Video Headers Bring Life to Your Website Pages


Using video headers can be a wonderful way to set the tone for the content of your blog or page. Check out this blog design we did for one of our clients. 🌱


Using videos as headers can be such a wonderful way to set the tone and mood for your website visitor. Movement is alluring and can enhance the experience, which is what we all want, right?

Here are some pros, cons and tips if you plan to add this element to your site:

The con is that a video can really bog down your site speed. This can actually detract from the user experience. So use this sparingly. A blog is great place to use a video header because the reader is likely to linger around and the right video and lend itself to the emotion you are trying to portray.

TIP: Host your video on a platform like YouTube or Vimeo and use an embed code to display your video on your site. Having another platform host your video will take the burden off your site. You can upload to your channel on private so you don’t share unwanted content on your channel. Both provide an embed code or a share link that you can upload to your site.

SquareSpace has a wonderful feature where you can place a link into the header image editor which will automatically upload your video. You can explore YouTube open source stock videos people have uploaded for everyday use. Some are there for purchase but there are plenty of free videos to use!

Try this out and let me know what you think!